I sat down with Jordan Chase, the creator of the Chase MedSearch podcast, to discuss how MedTech sales reps can navigate conflicts with clinical specialists and build their leadership muscle. If you’re in the market for a new role, I recommend connecting with Chase MedSearch Medical Device Recruiting.
Sales rep and clinical specialist relationships can be challenging due to their differing priorities and perspectives. This misalignment can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of the healthcare industry and the pressure to meet performance goals can strain these relationships further.
As a former Therapy Development Specialist (hybrid field marketing and sales) and an executive coach, I shared my real-world experience with Jordan.
Here are a few key takeaways from the episode:
- The most common tension points between sales reps and clinicals and how to handle them so that it’s a win for both sides.
- Mistakes sales reps and leaders make before becoming leaders and how to set yourself up for success proactively.
- The #1 and #2 things sales reps must do to ensure success for themselves and the team as a whole. And you probably won’t like them.
You can find the Chase MedSearch podcast and subscribe on your favorite platforms.